8 Heuristic Models

Here we will implement some non-algorithmic methods as a baseline. To do this we will use the ChannelAttribution R package

8.1 Transform Data

The ChannelAttribution package requires the data structured in a certain way. In this case it is in the form:

path conversion non-conversions
direct > social > search 10 154
direct > direct > direct 2 234
referral > direct 7 187

Here the touch points are transformed from into a single string path, separated by the > character. For each path we aggregate the total number of conversions that resulted from this pathway, and also the number of non-conversions.

If you are using marketing data from a system other than BigQuery, you will need to prepare your data per the above.

Now we can look at the steps required to transform our data from Chapter 7.

In this case we have the results saved as a CSV, but these may also be queried directly in R as per Section 6.2.4


paths_raw <- read_csv('bigquery/bq-results.csv')

Below is a snapshot of the top 20 rows. We can see from BigQuery it is in a standard ‘long’ format with one row per touch point based on the time stamp.

fullVisitorId visitStartTime channelGrouping outcome
07184911138250312 2017-01-18 06:57:50 UTC (Other) non_conversion
07184911138250312 2017-01-18 07:40:31 UTC (Other) non_conversion
07184911138250312 2017-01-18 08:18:50 UTC (Other) non_conversion
3112985461863519829 2017-01-25 20:42:23 UTC (Other) non_conversion
4720404071621394560 2017-01-18 07:02:40 UTC (Other) non_conversion
6060076679741207514 2017-01-18 06:59:27 UTC (Other) non_conversion
0003297619580760716 2017-01-08 05:50:50 UTC Direct non_conversion
00035794135966385 2017-01-20 12:46:25 UTC Direct non_conversion
0004867638405459898 2017-01-15 14:22:26 UTC Direct non_conversion
0005604256236421547 2017-01-24 21:04:26 UTC Direct non_conversion
0006746295360194683 2017-01-24 05:16:18 UTC Direct non_conversion
0009834325573666752 2017-01-24 22:43:34 UTC Direct non_conversion
001324382917654255 2017-01-10 18:46:32 UTC Direct non_conversion
0013701781325366363 2017-01-25 15:32:52 UTC Direct non_conversion
0014256672578655164 2017-01-24 17:39:56 UTC Direct non_conversion
0015731153666510386 2017-01-25 22:37:42 UTC Direct non_conversion
0016316356325418630 2017-01-09 03:08:40 UTC Direct non_conversion
0016883628233932470 2017-01-04 18:02:46 UTC Direct non_conversion
0017373815580187343 2017-01-25 11:59:15 UTC Direct non_conversion
0018094491063949293 2017-01-18 15:18:19 UTC Direct non_conversion

We are using the tidyverse conventions here to make the interpretation easier. To translate we can see we start by formatting the time stamp correctly.
Next we rank the sessions by this time stamp for each visitor so we know which order the touch points occurred. We next restructure the data by summarising the touch points into one path string. Finally we count the occurrence of conversions and non-conversions.

paths <- paths_raw %>% 
  mutate(visitStartTime = ymd_hms(visitStartTime)) %>% 
  group_by(fullVisitorId, outcome) %>% 
  arrange(visitStartTime) %>% 
  summarise(path = paste(channelGrouping, collapse = ' > ')) %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
  count(outcome, path, name = "n") %>% 
  spread(outcome, n) %>% 
  replace_na(list(conversion = 0, non_conversion = 0)) %>% 
path conversion non_conversion
Referral 178 4015
Organic Search 137 21659
Direct 71 9308
Referral > Referral 55 553
Organic Search > Organic Search 39 1507
Direct > Direct 26 803
Referral > Referral > Referral 26 132
Paid Search 21 1348
Display 12 256
Direct > Referral 11 60

8.2 Heuristic Models

Now that the data are in the correct format we can use the ChannelAttribution::heuristic_models() function to compare three common models: First Touch, Last Touch and Linear.

This function will automatically calculate the total number of conversion attributed to each channel using the above models.

The results across these three methods are very similar. We can see ‘Referral’ is the channel that is attributed the most credit for conversions, followed by ‘Organic Search’.

The Last Touch method provides slightly more credit to ‘Referral’ than other methods, in contrast to ‘Direct’, which is attributed more credit when using the First Touch method.


fit_h <- heuristic_models(Data = paths, var_path = 'path', var_conv = 'conversion')
channel_name first_touch last_touch linear_touch
Referral 279 302 290.46667
Organic Search 203 202 202.28333
Direct 124 106 114.31667
Paid Search 31 26 29.08333
Display 19 20 19.85000
Social 6 6 6.00000
(Other) 0 0 0.00000
Affiliates 0 0 0.00000